
Sapere aude
1 min readApr 2, 2024


〈Analekten für Politik und Literatur〉(Leipzig, 1787)


討論康德哲學到大打出手,則不是現在才發生的事情,早在他的時代已經發生過。例如在〈Analekten f¨ur Politik und Literatur〉(Leipzig, 1787) 便有報道:

A student from the Mosel region defends the Kantian philosophy, resorting to violence against someone from lower Saxony, who studied in Göttingen. The Saxon was wounded and the student from the Mosel region incarcerated. He wrote to the academic senate from his cell that he knew he could only presume that there was a conflict of interest in the minds of the members of the senate because he did know that they disliked Kant’s new philosophy. Therefore, no one could blame him, if he objected to their measures and judgments concerning his presumed misdeed. The senate decided that the case was so novel that it was almost necessary that all members of the senate would have to read Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason and study it carefully. Thus, this “abstruse work” is destined to become a piece of evidence (Proceßaktenstück) in criminal court.


康德哲學難懂,也因此經常出現爭論,那種詮釋才是正確。例如,費希特就曾經與一軍官爭論上帝與靈魂不滅的問題,軍官引用康德來支持他的觀點,費希特便破口大罵:「You did not read Kant!」


Kuehn, M. (2006). Kant’s critical philosophy and its reception — the first five years (1781–1786). In P. Guyer (Ed.), The Cambridge Companion to Kant and Modern Philosophy (pp. 630–664). chapter, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.



Sapere aude
